Additional Offerings
1. myArogya
In collaboration with GOQii, we are offering our myArogya mobile app, designed to help working Indians prevent chronic disease, to employees in Healthy Workplaces.
2. Lifestyle Coach-led Sessions
In 2017, our master trainer Anand Valavi underwent training at Emory University on the CDC-program for lifestyle coach-led 16-week diabetes prevention. We are now offering lifestyle coach training to our Healthy Workplaces. Eight Healthy Workplaces sent their representatives in 2021 to be trained as lifestyle coaches to the first such training offered digitally. This program is being implemented in collaboration with Aadit Life.
3. Tobacco-free Worksites
Our Healthy Workplaces can opt-in for this accreditation program where we walk them through a checklist of steps they must take to be declared a Tobacco-free Worksite. We work off the materials provided by the American Cancer Society and their previous Global Smoke-free Worksite Challenge.
4. myThali
We are also promoting myThali in Healthy Workplaces throughout India. The program offers nutritionist talks, videos and chef demos, one year of emails promoting eating right, communication materials such as posters and cafeteria danglers etc. We also offer periodic cafeteria menu audits. The first of our Healthy Workplaces have begun to roll this program out.