Panelists from a Panel Discussion on Reducing Workplace Stress
Many thanks to our wonderfully supportive sponsors Cigna and Reliance, our terrific partners NHRD and IAOH, the top-notch moderators and panelists from our well received panel discussions, the excellent emcees for the day and evening events, and indeed, all the incredible speakers that made our annual conference a success! Several issues and best practices were discussed, including resilience, mindfulness, the Healthy Culture Index, presenteeism, shared leave, Mission Slimpossible, unorganized sector workplaces, the challenges of reaching millenials, reduction of insurance claims, understanding employee health behaviors, lifestyle coaches, mobile apps, metrics and meaningful measurement. We will be continuing the discussion about these issues in upcoming newsletters.
We also launched four exciting new programs and services at the event:
- The new myArogya mobile app not only educates healthy workplace employees on chronic disease prevention, but also tracks physical activity and sleep more efficiently. This effort is led by Meeta Walavalkar, with Jasmeet Gandhi and his team from Goqii.
- MyThali, led by Jayanthi Krishnamachary, is a guide to what an adult women should eat and in what quantities at main meals.
- Lifestyle Change Training, with Anand Valavi, uses a facilitated group discussion setting to discuss diet, exercise, and stress reduction.
- Cancer Prevention Talks from Strand Life Sciences are led by medical experts and address prevention, screening, and treatment.
Each of these programs will be a big focus for Arogya World next year, and we are grateful to those companies who have expressed interest. To learn more contact us at infoindia@arogyaworld.org.

Attendees at our conference

The Arogya World team with keynote speaker
For more photos, visit our album on Facebook.