As Arogya World approaches its 10-year anniversary in 2020, we are ramping up our efforts to do what we do best: bring a doorstep model of health to families and individuals in India, making prevention education available where people work, live, and learn.
We are very proud of our efforts this past year, reaching 4 million people to date, and helping 400,000 improve health behaviors. We have educated more than 150,000 school children (ages 11-14) so far on healthy living, through our Healthy Schools program and are on our way to reaching tens of thousands more Indians through our mDiabetes text message program. Healthy Workplaces continues to attract great attention with 116 companies, spanning 2.5 million employees. And in 2018, we took a definite step forward to advance mental health in the workplace in India. In 2018, we also rolled out MyThali in 45 worksites, educating people on what to eat in what quantities at each meal.